Thursday, August 1, 2013

Apartment Therapy: August Style Cure Day 1

So I've decided to try to fix up our apartment.  We had moved from our gross, bare 3 bedroom to a cramped 1 bedroom for about 5 months.  We thought we could do it, having a 1 1/2 year old sleeping in the same room as us, not accounting for the glaring missing link: Clark is an EXTREMELY light sleeper.  So we ended up storing out dining table and leaving our bed in the living room.  Not exactly homey or comfortable.  It was always a mess no matter how much we tried to keep it clean.  So we upgraded early and moved into a 2 bedroom in the same complex that is almost double the size.  You could say our happiness and overall sense of calm quadrupled. 

Now we've been in this apartment for a few months and most of the walls are still bare.  I really want our home to feel like a home.  Jeremy could really care less but it's a lot to take on on my own. 

I LOVE  I mean, seriously.  So this August they are doing a 30 day style cure.  I thought it might be a fun way to have some accountability and finish out the month on here.  I had an idea way back in our 3 bedroom of trying to decorate our whole apartment with just $100.  I may try it again here.  I know that sounds ridiculous but I enjoy a good old fashioned challenge.  So here goes nothing. 

1. List your favorites in each category:
- Actor: Ewan McGreggor/ Benedict Cumberbatch/ Robert Downey, Jr.
- Actress: Kristen Bell, Emma Watson
- Artist: Monet, Scott Saw
- Writer: Cassandra Clare, JK Rowling, Gail Carson Levine
- Music: Love electronic Pop like Owl City and also favorite artist of time is John Mayer
- Restaurant: Chinese plus I just love Red Robin
- Automobile: Don't really care.....
- Movie or Television Show: Veronica Mars / Doctor Who / Sherlock
- Clothing (pieces, designers or stores): JCrew, Old Navy
- Furniture (pieces, designers or stores): IKEA, Anthropologie, Wingback Chairs
2. Choose three words to describe your personal style: 
- Fun
- Comfortable
- Unique
3. Think back over all the homes you've lived in, both as a child and an adult. Which rooms would you choose as your favorites and how would you describe them?
Favorite room from a childhood home and description: Family Room: my mom was always so coordinated.  Everything looked complete, yet completely homey and comfortable.
Favorite room from an adult home and description: Clark's Room: It's clean and simple.  Not too much but still bold, bright and colorful. 
4. Whom do you consider a role model?
My parents
What three adjectives describe the qualities that you admire in this person?
- Hard-working
- Caring
5. Every home has areas that are "just right". Which three spots or things in your home do you feel are beautiful and feel proud of, right now, as is:
- My son's room
- Our entertainment Center
- Kitchen
-6. A month from now, at the end of the Style Cure, how would you like your friends to describe your home?
- Comfortable
- Nerdy
- Unique

Questions 1 and 2 work together to help form a picture of your style - The glaring obvious is I love bright unique things, but want them to be simple with cleaner lines.  It should be coordinated but I'm not afraid to try strange or bolder color combinations. 

Questions 3 and 5 are different ways of connecting with what you find pleasing, comfortable and beautiful.  Again: coordination, and simplicity. 

Questions 4 and 6 are both about your aspirations and therefore can help to form a direction and goals for your Cure in terms of what you want your room makeover to provide to your homelife.  I want our place to feel like home, but I'm not going to deny the fact that I'm no interior decorator.  Jeremy and I are rather juvenile in our design preference with bold primary colors and superhero memorabilia.  I think this challenge will hopefully help us mesh our crazy nerdiness with a modern adult home.  Hopefully.....

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